


#include <iostream>

void helloWorld() {

    std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;


Hello, everyone! Welcome to my blog. My name is Jack Porter, and I'm a high school junior trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do with my life. 

I'll probably use this blog to discuss some of my hobbies, plus as a base for my upcoming STEM outreach content. With that said, I think it'd be appropriate to discuss my primary interests a bit:

  • I'm a math nerd, first and foremost. I'll watch calculus videos to unwind from my other classes, and if I'm just too tired to work then I'll read Life of Fred: Complex Analysis.
  • Naturally, since my father is a programmer, I've inherited a bit of interest in that field. C++ has been my main language so far, though I have a moderate understanding of Python.
  • I started my first physics class this semester, and I've found it to be a lot of fun. It's pretty much just algebra and simple calculus with a bit of extra setup, and the fact that it's so predictive amazes me. I want to finish the semester before I consider the field as a potential career pathway, though.
  • I've been trying to build my skills in data analytics, since that field appears to be growing quickly. I don't enjoy it as much as I enjoy the other subjects, but I find that it dovetails nicely with math, physics, and programming.

Well, I'd better be getting back to the mines. (The C++ mines.) I probably won't be posting more than once per week (if that), but I may surprise myself. Expect a random assortment of philosophical musings, code snippets, links to other people's music, and links to my music... and with that, farewell!





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